5 Things That I’m Looking Forward To In The New Year


[Photo from Kate Spade New York]

Happy New Year! (By the way, prepare to hear that until at least mid-February.) I’ve been gone for a bit – blame it on some “life happens” situations, the holidays and even the flu. ( I know, yuck!) But I’m back and ready to bring you inspirational content on a regular basis once again. I’m thrilled about the new year! I wanted to share with you a few quick reasons why. There are a few things I’ll have to give more details on as further developments come. But just know that I’m jumping in the air and clicking my heels in the meantime. 🙂

I’m hoping that you all are kicking your dreams, goals and epic plans into high gear for the new year as well!

1. Collaborations

I’m fortunate to have some awesomely creative, intelligent and inspirational individuals in my circle and extended circles. They will be contributing to the blog in unique ways soon to offer their expertise, talent and personal touches of inspiration.

There are also a few contributors that I am eagerly anticipating to talk possibilities with soon. And if they don’t bite the first time around, I’ve got chocolate and Edible Arrangement bouquets that will change their minds. (Just kidding! 😉 )

2. Career Changes

This year I will be starting a new chapter in my career. Well, perhaps a few new chapters for that matter. I can’t wait to share how that works out, lessons learned while waiting for transformation and other details.

3. Purging

I’m not sure whether to be over the moon excited about this or dread it. Particularly, I have been cleaning a lot of (tangible) clutter. My hoarding habits are pretty insane. That will be changing in the new year which is what I’m excited about. Having to sort, discard and give away has been the challenging part. But I must say that there’s a great mental reward with eliminating clutter.

4. Positive Affirmations

I enjoy listening to and reading materials from Joel Osteen. I was recently listening to one of his podcasts and he said something that really made my ears ring. He spoke about the power that words have over our lives. He said it best: “If you have a poor mouth, you will have a poor life”.

Prior to listening to that message I had already started practicing more positive speaking over my life. I think the majority of us have been guilty of speaking negatively over ourselves without even realizing it. Ever opened your inbox at work and said “today’s going to be a rough day”? Or claimed to never be able to have something you thought was unattainable – a house, a car, a job, etc.? It’s easy to travel down the “woe is me” road but intentionally speaking positive thoughts over your life can make a significant difference.

This is why Joel Osteen’s message encouraged me to start writing down positive affirmations. I also write the date that I spoke those words. This way I can look back and reflect when the positive results come into existence.

5. Bringing More Inspiration to You!

I’ve been reflecting a lot on ways to deliver more inspirational messages. In a world full of injustice, senseless violence, crazy jobs, illness, relationship struggles and so many other challenges not listed (though just as significant), we all could benefit from more inspiration. So I’m looking forward to using different ways to deliver more of that content.


What are some of your goals and aspirations for the new year? Please comment below, I’m excited to hear. Not sure? That’s fine too. If you’re not sure where to even begin coming up with inspiration to determine steps in this category – let me know this as well! Hopefully I can get you plugged into a few resources that can get you inspired to plan.



  1. Happy New Year! So excited to hear you’re you’ll be inspiring us with your words of wisdom. My New Years resolution is to be HAPPY. There are 7 Key Decisions (by Valorie Burton) that I’m going to live by:
    1) I do not downsize my dream
    2) I focus on solutions, not problems
    3) I choose to be authentic
    4) I choose courage over fear
    5) I choose relationships wisely and nurture them intentionally
    6) I actively seek feedback and use it to grow
    7) I know my purpose and take daily action in the direction of my vision

    Wishing you much success in the New Year!

    1. This is awesome! Thank you for sharing the 7 Key Decisions. I’m going to write these out and post them somewhere I can see it everyday as a reminder! 🙂

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