Pursuing Your Passion Project While Working Full Time

{Photo credit: RSEE Photography}

Please allow me to start off by saying that it’s taken me months to write this post. “Why” you ask? Well because working full time can be enough on its own. Tack on something additional…even something you enjoy…and it can have you signed up for one full schedule.

I’m a firm believer in helping others so that they don’t have to go through the journey alone. So I put together 10 tips to help those who are also trying to juggle a full time job with their passion project or business on the side.

Let’s get right into it…

1) Give yourself grace
Its easy to get down on yourself for not accomplishing goals and tasks toward your passion. There are times when you may be able to get things done in “beast mode”. On the flip side, there will be days when you just simply can’t. Know that it’s okay. I think it’s safe to assume that full time work is demanding for the vast majority of people. You can only do so much and pushing beyond your limit isn’t always a good thing.

2) Don’t give up
I remember a period of time when I was unemployed. To this day I still think of it as “funemployed” because I really enjoyed that season of life. Yes I faced the obvious stresses that come with unemployment but there was a sense of freedom that fueled my drive and kept me going. I was able to freely work on my blog and other creative ventures with as much time as I wanted.

One day I was sharing this with someone and told her that while I was enjoying that period time, I was also fearful about losing my freedom once I returned to work. I didn’t want my blog to vanish due to getting back to the 9-5 grind. I’ll never forget her reply: “Yes, you just might stop blogging but it will be a pause, not an ending. You’ll get right back to it when you can.”

Turns out that’s just what happened. I went back to work and was able to keep blogging consistently for awhile. Then I went from temporary to permanent employment so as I transitioned, so did my workload. I became so tired trying to transition back into work and learning a new role that blogging took a backseat.

I became discouraged but I didn’t give up. Eventually I found my rhythm again and got back on track.

3) Inconsistency is okay
I️ think most marketers would say that consistency is key when developing a brand. The reasoning is obvious – the more you put your brand out there, the more people will get to know about your project or business. This is key but to be honest, there will be times when you’re just plain tired. Especially when balancing a full time job with your passion project.

Sometimes inconsistency just has to be okay. Maybe you were able to post on Instagram two times per day a few months back but lately two times per week is all your energy will allow you to do. There is a balance between aiming high and remaining realistic. If this means saving your energy for building your brand behind the scenes then so be it. The phrase “quality over quantity” is most accurate in this point.

4) Restart with what’s easiest to manage
One downside of the point #3 (inconsistency) is that it could throw off your rhythm a bit. Though the sacrifice is worth it if that’s what it takes to produce your highest quality of work. So take on one small project or focus on one key area of a larger task.

It’s common for people (me included) to try to tackle it all, fall short, then get discouraged about it. Gotta love the overachiever mentality. On the flip side, taking the small task approach increases the possibility of not only accomplishing a small task but also creates a confidence that can lead to another small task being completed. Now we’re working toward an attainable goal.

5) Keep a calendar
Maintaining a calendar for your passion project(s) can be a life saver when you work full time! Considering the juggle can feel like 2 jobs in itself, keeping everything organized in one calendar helps.

Specifically, as a blogger or other type of online influencer it can mean organizing posts by date. A broader example would be setting dates for your project goals. Which brings me to my next point…

6) Set goals
Setting goals helps you to see the bigger picture. On those days when your 9-5 has you feeling exhausted it reminds you that you have a bigger purpose beyond what you currently see.

It’s important to note that you should be flexible with your goals. There have been many occasions when I️ set a goal for a certain date and it isn’t accomplished. It tells me one of two things: a) I️ need to break down steps to keep myself more on task, or, b) Perhaps I️ set too lofty of a goal and need to give myself more grace (refer back to tip #1).

Even if you experience set backs or need to make adjustments, it’s important to see your vision written out.

I️ like to refer back to this Bible verse as my motivation when it comes to setting goals for a larger vision…

“The Lord answered me, “Write down what I show you. Write it clearly on a sign so that the message will be easy to read. This message is about a special time in the future. This message is about the end, and it will come true. Just be patient and wait for it. That time will come; it will not be late.”
‭‭Habakkuk‬ ‭2:2-3‬ ‭ERV‬‬

And on that note…

7) Seek inspiration consistently
As a content creator, there are times when I have the best ideas ever! (I know, a bit biased.) Though other times all I can think about is how tired I am from the 9-5 grind, let alone produce blog content. For that reason I make it a point to seek inspiration on a regular basis. That comes in various forms for me: Instagram accounts of other creatives, reading books, listening to podcasts, Googling travel destinations. It’s all relevant for me. Even sources that don’t relate directly to my blog. It’s what motivates me on the inside to share my creative gift on the outside.

Find what, or who, inspires you and use that as your fuel on those days when you feel yourself hitting a wall.

8) Be careful to not compare
Note: It’s fine to seek inspiration (#7) but be cautious that it doesn’t turn into comparison. I believe that’s where many people get it wrong – particularly on social media. You have to know that your gift is unique to you. As for the person you’re following online, they have a unique gift and purpose too. If you spend too much time comparing yourself to their highlights you’ll find yourself being unproductive in your own gift. Same goes for offline comparison.

If you find yourself guilty of this, take a step back. Connect with a source of inspiration that doesn’t involve following someone online or setting your attention on someone else. Think back on the “why” of your passion project and you will be connected back to that gift that is uniquely your own.

9) Have an accountability partner
Who is that one person that pushes you just a bit further than you’re able to push yourself? You know, the one who makes you say: “I need to get this done or ______ is going to ask me about it”.

Now don’t get me wrong, nobody wants to deal with a parental type of accountability in adulthood. Though sometimes you do need that nudge.

I can’t say that I have one particular person who holds me accountable. In my experience it’s been the people who don’t even realize they’re my accountability. The ones who ask “How’s your blog going?” or “I really liked your _____ post”. It provides me motivation to keep going even at the times when my 9-5 has me left feeling pooped.

10) Recharge when all else fails
Now there are going to be times when you’re plain exhausted. As passionate as you are about your side business or creative venture there will be days when your brain (and even body) just can’t. And that’s okay.

Sometimes you need to recharge. Just let your hair down, plop down on the couch and do absolutely nothing. Or for some it may be a more productive recharge like taking a nice hike. Do what suits you and don’t feel guilty about taking the time to regain your energy.

Taking time to recharge may be the difference of a quality product at your best versus something half baked when you’re in need of rest.
I hope you’ve found these tips to be helpful. Know that I don’t have it all figured out and have to revisit these steps myself. Working and pursuing a passion project can have its ups and downs but it’s the desire to pursue my purpose that keeps me going. Everything else in the middle is just re-fueling me as I journey to the top!

Keep plugging along friends! Remember to give yourself grace but keep going!


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