Sunny and Cher: 70’s Vibes

{Photo by RSee Photography}

Hey friends! Sorry it’s been awhile on the site. Spring semester was very busy at work and I’m just now catching my breath! *sigh*

I don’t know about you but I’m so excited for summer! Longer days, the sun staying up until late evening. Just thinking about it has me humming “Summer Nights” from the classic movie “Grease”.

Speaking of classics and going back in time, I was jazzed when I found these polka dot, wide leg pants. It took me back to 70’s style where fashion was fun, flowy and comfortable. The ideal combo!

While I always strive to give my best professional appearance when I go to work, sometimes I just want comfort above all else. My favorite thing about wearing this outfit was that I could breathe in it! The pants say “boss” without stuffing myself into a restricting suit.

I received so many compliments when I wore the yellow sweater to work with black slacks. Little did people know, the sweater was super comfortable to have on all day. So it was great to receive compliments on an item that I wasn’t trying to rush to get out of at the end of the day.

I can’t wait to try out more retro trends this summer. What about you? Are you looking forward to bring back any of the classics shown here- polka dots, bell sleeves or wide leg (bell bottom-ish) pants? Any other retro trends?

Can’t wait to hear your comments! 🙂

Outfit details:
Sweater (New York and Company); Pants (Topshop); Pumps (Cathy Jean- old); Necklace (Burlington Coat Factory- old)


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